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A Closer Look at the `this` Keyword in JavaScript, Part 1

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this, a powerful feature in JavaScript, can confuse engineers if not properly grasped, especially when debugging code that is littered with them. In this article, I am going to explain with detailed examples the this keyword. We will explore how this is contextually bound and varies depending on how a function is invoked. This article is tailored for both junior and senior engineers who want to fully understand the magic behind the this keyword.

Lexical Scoping vs Dynamic Scoping

In JavaScript, variables and function declarations are lexically scoped, meaning, they can only be accessed within the context in which they are declared/placed physically within the code, and not at runtime (known as dynamic scoping). If you want to know whether a variable is accessible within a context (global or function context), look where the variable sits physically in your code.

Consider this example:

function func1() {
  const func1Var = "I am in func1";

  function func2() {


In the above example:

I will advise that you read JavaScript Internals: The Execution Context, one of my articles where I dived deep into the subject of execution context, and lexical scoping in JavaScript.

On the other hand, some programming languages support dynamic scoping, although powerful, it comes with its complexities. Dynamic scoping is a model of scoping where the scope is determined dynamically at runtime, rather than lexically at author-time. In dynamic scoping, the resolution of a variable (searching) is performed in the call stack, first you search in the local function, then you search in the function that called the local function, then you search in the function that called that function, and so on, up the call stack. There is no need to dig deep into dynamic scoping since JavaScript does not support dynamic scoping, and our topic of discussion is the this keyword.

Okay, we have established the fact that JavaScript is a lexically scoped language. All variables are lexically scoped. There is a special keyword in JavaScript known as the this keyword. It references an object and is bound to an execution context.

In JavaScript, the this keyword does not conform to the typical rules of lexical or dynamic scoping found in variable declarations. Instead, this behaves uniquely, with its value determined at runtime based on the context of the function’s invocation. This dynamic determination makes its behavior appear similar to dynamic scoping because it can change depending on how and where the function is called, not statically defined at compile time. So, I introduced lexical and dynamic scoping to guide our understanding and give us a mental model of this behavior.

What is this?

The this keyword in JavaScript is a reserved keyword that references the current execution context’s object. To fully understand the this keyword, we need to ask ourselves two questions: Firstly, what does the this keyword reference, and secondly, how does the JavaScript engine determine what it references? Before we delve into these questions, it’s crucial to note that the context of the this keyword in classical Object Oriented Programming (OOP) languages like Java is different from the context in JavaScript. If you are coming from a classical OOP background, you may need to set aside what you know about this, as its behavior in JavaScript is quite distinct. I’ll outline their differences after establishing what the this keyword represents in JavaScript.

this refers to the current context in which a function is invoked, and it is bound to an object at runtime. Hence, its reference can change at runtime depending on how the function is called. This means that we cannot determine the reference of this merely by looking at a function declaration or where it is placed within the code, but rather by understanding how it is called. This behavour makes the this keyword dynamically scoped.

Consider this code:

const person = {
  name: "Sixtus",
  greet: function () {
    console.log("Hello, my name is " +;

person.greet(); // Output: Hello, my name is Sixtus

A quick question, in the code above, what will evaluate to when the greet function is called? If you answered Sixtus, you are neither wrong nor right, due to the nuances in the evaluation of this, which is not determined at compile/author time but rather at run time.

As a JavaScript Engineer, merely looking at the person object definition, and the greet function definition to figure out the value of this in the code above is not the right approach. What then is the right approach? The right approach is to look at how the function greet is invoked, the object that calls the function will be referenced to this. In our code above, the object that called the greet function is the person object, hence this used in the greet function will point to the person object (by reference).

Therefore, to determine the value of this keyword in functions where it is used, we scan through our code to look out for where the functions are invoked to see how they are invoked.

What if the greet function is invoked in a different context like this: setTimeout(person.greet, 1000). What will be the output? Take a few minutes to run it, and see the output. Think why you got that output.

How Function Invocation Affects the Binding of this

The way a function is invoked in JavaScript is the factor that determines the binding of this in functions where they are used. We are going to look at the different methods functions are called in JavaScript.

Free Function Invocation

Free function invocation is invoking a function that is not tied to any object as a method. It typically means invoking a function standalone, without it being a property of an object or without using the new keyword for constructing instances.

The value of this inside a function that is invoked freely depends on two factors:

They are all Free Function Invocation

function display() {
  console.log("Value of `this` is: ", this);

display(); // `this` will be global object in non-strict mode, and undefined in strict mode.

In the above code example, display is called directly and not as a method of any object, making it a free function invocation. After invoking the display function above, the value of this that will be logged on the console is either the global object (window in browser, and global in Node.js) in non-strict mode or undefined in strict mode.

const person = {
  name: "Sixtus",
  greet: function () {
    console.log("Hello, my name is " +;

const newGreet = person.greet;
newGreet(); // This is a free function invocation. `this` is the global object or `undefined` in strict mode.

You might argue that the invocation of newGreet() in the code above is not a free function invocation since the newGreet variable initialized value is person.greet. Take a close look, we are not invoking person.greet, because there is no parenthesis to signify invocation like this person.greet(). What happens is that the newGreet variable holds a reference to the person.greet function without explicitly binding this to person, which could be done using bind() (You can explicitly bind this to the context you want. More on this in part two of this series). When person.greet is assigned to newGreet, a new reference to the existing greet function is created. Therefore, newGreet is the same function as person.greet, only without the object context that person.greet would have when called as a method of person.

Because the invocation of newGreet() function is a free function invocation:

Therefore, the value of this for all free function invocations in JavaScript is either the global object in non-strict mode or undefined in strict mode.

Note: Arrow functions do not have their own this context; instead, they inherit it from the surrounding scope (More on this in part two of this series).

Method Invocation

Method invocation in JavaScript is the process of calling a method of an object. The method is a function that is defined as a property of an object. The first example we looked at in this article has to do with method invocation. Let us revisit the example.

const person = {
  name: "Sixtus",
  greet: function () {
    console.log("Hello, my name is " +;

person.greet(); // Output: Hello, my name is Sixtus

In the code example above, the variable person is declared and initialized as an object with properties name, and greet along with their respective values. The greet property is a method in the person object. To invoke the greet method, we use the dot notation to access the property followed by parentheses: person.greet(). If you can recall from the first example, what will be the value of this upon invocation? The value of this will be the person object because the greet method was invoked on the person object. The output of the above code will be Hello, my name is Sixtus.

Whenever a function containing the this keyword is invoked as a method of an object, whether through dot notation (e.g., person.greet()) or bracket notation (e.g., person’greet’), the value of this within that function is bound to the object from which the method is called. This means that this will reference the object itself, linking directly to where the method is invoked.

In the code above, this will reference the person object.

Constructor Invocation

Constructor functions in JavaScript are special functions that are used to model, create, and initialize objects. In a constructor function, properties and behaviors (methods) are modeled and defined, which will belong to any newly created object that is created using the new keyword. The new keyword is used to instantiate new objects that inherit from the constructor’s prototype.

How Constructor Invocation Works

What happens when a constructor function is invoked?

Consider this example:

function Car(make, model, year) {
  this.make = make;
  this.model = model;
  this.year = year;

  this.displayInfo = function () {
    return `Make: ${this.make}, Model: ${this.model} Year: ${this.year}`;

// Creating a new instance of Car
const myCar = new Car("Toyota", "Camry", "2020");
console.log(myCar.displayInfo()); // Output: Make: Toyota, Model: Camry Year: 2020

The Car function in the above code is a constructor function where the properties and behaviors of the car are modeled. It kind of serves as a template or a way of prototyping an object.

Following the way constructor function invocation works that we previously established, we can say the following about the invocation of the Car constructor function:

Indirect Function Invocation

Indirect function invocation is an invocation method where a function is passed around, and its execution is triggered by another part of the program, rather than being directly called in the sequence of code.

In indirect invocation, the context in which the function executes is different from the context in which it was defined unless the function is explicitly bound to a particular object or context (I will throw more light on this in part two of this topic).

Callback functions are good examples of functions that are called indirectly. A callback function is a function that is passed to another function as an argument and is invoked by that function.

Let’s revisit one of our previous code examples, this time we will call the greet method differently.

const person = {
  name: "Sixtus",
  greet: function () {
    console.log("Hello, my name is " +;

setTimeout(person.greet, 1000);

In the code above, the person.greet function is executed after 1000 milliseconds, that is, the setTimeout API schedules the function to be executed after 1000 milliseconds by the JavaScript runtime’s event loop. To have a perspective on the event loop, and the JavaScript runtime environment, read JavaScript Internals: The JavaScript Runtime Environment, which is one of my articles on the JavaScript runtime environment.

The caller of person.greet function is the event loop mechanism that handles the execution of queued tasks. When person.greet is passed to setTimeout, the method is essentially being passed as a reference to a function, not as a method of the person object. Therefore, when it is invoked after the delay, it is called as a standalone function without its original object context. this in the greet function will be bound to the global context or undefined in strict mode, because person.greet function is not invoked as a method of the person object.

Running, the above code will produce Hello, my name is on the browser console in non-strict mode, or the JS engine will raise a TypeError exeception in strict mode.


Congratulations, you have reached the end of this article but not the end of the topic. I will publish part two of this topic, once I am done writing it.

Recall, that we established the fact that this is dynamically scoped at runtime, and we asked an important question: if we can make this lexically scoped? The answer is “YES!”, we can explicitly make this lexically scope. But how can we do it? Well, in part 2 of this series, I will explain the different ways we can achieve it.

You might need to reread this article, and practice the example codes for an in-depth understanding of this because mastering it will help you as a Software Engineer in these aspects:

For now, have a great time, and see you soon in part two. Cheers!

Further Reading