God has only one solution for the need of men — Jesus Christ
The problem of man is two folds: sin and sins.
Sins are the very acts that man commits that is against the laws and commandments of God. They include: murder, lying, gossip, fornication, and adultery, among others.
Sin is a principle working in man, that causes man commit sins. Apostle Paul made mention of this in
God forgives our sins, while God delivers us from sin.
Sin is a power that compels and draws man to commit sins (murder, fornication, etc.), hence God ministers deliverance to a man that is held by the power of sin in order not to commit sins again.
There is an inward inclination to sin, a power within that draws to sin. When that power breaks out I commit sins. I may seek and receive forgiveness, but then I sin once more. So life goes on in a vicious circle of sinning and being forgiven and then sinning again. I appreciate the blessed fact of God’s forgiveness, but I want something more than that: I want deliverance. I need forgiveness for what I have done, but I need also deliverance from what I am.
What then is the remedy for sins and sin?
- The blood of Jesus Christ is the agency for the forgiveness of sins.
- The cross is the agency for deliverance from sin.
The value of the Blood of Jesus Christ is:
- Godward.
- Manward.
- Satanward.
The blood of Jesus Christ been Godward means it’s for atonement, God does not overlook our sins, but seed the blood of Jesus Christ as the basis for our forgiveness for our sins. (Hebrews 9:12; Exodus 12:13)
If God can accept the Blood as a payment for our sins and as the price of our redemption, then we can rest assured that the debt has been paid. If God is satisfied with the Blood, then the Blood must be acceptable. Our valuation of it is only according to His valuation — neither more nor less. It cannot, of course, be more, but it must not be less. (1 Peter 1:18,19)
What makes the value of the blood of Jesus Christ manward is its efficacy in cleansing our conscience.
It is important to note that the blood of Jesus Christ does not cleanse our heart, because at new birth (salvation), God gives us a new heart. (Ezekiel 36:26)
When an evil conscience is resident in our hearts, it means the state our conscience assumes that stand as a barrier between us and God. It is usually guilt as a result of our sins and offenses against God.
There is a knowledge and awareness that breaks that barrier of evil conscience. When we have the revelation of the blood of Jesus Christ, and how precious it is in the sight of God — It’s atonement for our sins, our conscience is cleared and every sense of guilt is removed.
We seek our way into the presence of God only by the precious blood of Jesus. As important as our works, obedience, and prayer, among others are, they are not the access to the presence of God.
A clear conscience is never based upon our attainment; it can only be based on the work of the Lord Jesus in the shedding of His Blood.
Our access to God has two phases:
- Initial Phase (Ephesians 2:13): Our standing with God was secured by the precious blood of Jesus
- Progressive phase (Hebrews 10:19,22): Our continual access to the presence is only by the precious blood of Jesus.
Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10), and he never ceases to accuse the saints of God. Our weapon against his accusations is the precious blood of Jesus (Revelation 10:11).
Satan accuses us:
- Before God
- In our conscience
The precious blood of Jesus is satanward, because of the ministry of Jesus Christ as High Priest through His blood. (Hebrews 9:12)
How then does the Blood operate against Satan? It does so by putting God on the side of man against him.
Satan accuses us in our conscience by sowing seeds of his thoughts of condemnation in our hearts. For example, he could tell us that this sin you are a sinner, and there is no way out for you; This sin you have committed is too big for God forgive you, God does not forgive murderers.
Don’t accept Satan’s accusations. When he starts sowing the seeds of accusations, counteract it by the blood of Jesus Christ. Point him to the blood. Tell him that by the precious blood of Jesus, your sins are forgiven. (1 John 2:1,2; Hebrews 9:14)
God is well able to deal with our sins; but He cannot deal with a man under accusation, because such a man is not trusting in the Blood.