Book Notes
Notes taken on books I read: I take the notes chapter by chapter. While reading, I highlight important points in the book. After finishing a chapter, I revisit the highlighted texts and take comprehensive notes on them.
Node.js Design Patterns: Design and implement production-grade Node.js applications using proven patterns and techniques
Mario Casciaro, Luciano Mammino
Reading in progress...
The Normal Christian Life
Watchman Nee
A book that captures and explains the finished works of Christ for humanity. Watchman Nee explains what the blood, death, burial, resurrection, glorification of Christ has wrought for us.
Clean Architecture: A Craftman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
Robert C. Martin
Reading in progress...
Sit, Walk, Stand: The Process of Christian Maturity
Watchman Nee
Sit, walk, and stand are keywords in the Book of Ephesians. It's essential for every Christian to know them to live a victorious Christian life.
The Practice of the Presence of God In Modern English
Brother Lawrence
This book will expose you to the protocol of GOD's presence. Brother Lawrence in his conversations and letters descriped how he maintained a constant communion with GOD every moment.